Archetypal Musings
Explorations on psyche, astrology and purpose
My writing focuses on the intersection of self-knowledge, purpose, and creative expression and how we can make sense of these times through the lenses of astrology, depth psychology, and mythology.
Lessons learned at the liminal edge of death by Vanessa Couto
A first entrée of reflections on what I learned from being in liminality between life and death.
Read on SubstackPause at the threshold by Vanessa Couto
There's a pregnant pause at the threshold. This is a seeding moment before the gestation and eventual birth. Compliments of the Dweller at the Threshold - Saturn.
Read on SubstackWaning towards death ... & rebirth by Vanessa Couto
Liminal times start with releasing the grip and a letting go. It's about a shift of focus towards what matters, which isn't easy for the Ego, who fears the energy it will take to change.
Read on SubstackLiminal Smarts - Don't leave home without it.* by Vanessa Couto
When in times of change and transformation, it's important to find the right type of guidance. The guide you want is one that has liminal smarts.
Read on SubstackGrip on tight, then let it go. by Vanessa Couto
Resistance is part of the journey when we're about to cross a threshold in our lives.
Read on SubstackResistance and Surrender with Plant Medicine by Vanessa Couto
What I've learned about the descent, the guides and gatekeepers at the threshold of a liminal journey from a 'textbook bad trip.'
Read on SubstackBoredom as a crossing into the unknown by Vanessa Couto
When boredom shows up it's a sign that the liminal goddess Venus awaits for us in the wings and we're about to embark on an adventure.
Read on SubstackGuided by beauty & love by Vanessa Couto
In liminal times, one needs a guide who is at home with this transitional landscape. One such guide is Venus, the joy bringer.
Read on SubstackTending to your affinities by Vanessa Couto
A short reflection in honoring Venus as a way to manage my heat melted brain as the thermometer rises.
Read on SubstackOn the liminal journey of purpose
Your purpose is in your birth story “…What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?” – David Whyte
Jupiter Uranus Conjunction – Being Enough
As I write this, Jupiter Uranus conjunction is seconds away from their awakening penetration. It’s a seeding moment. It’s as if we’re all outside their bedroom cheering them on as
Get practical during the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction
This Saturday, we have the much-awaited Jupiter Uranus conjunction. This is when the grandson Jupiter and grandfather Uranus join up in the skies in this most-talked-about 2024 transit. The last
Turning Sideways towards the Great American Eclipse
The headlines are abuzz about the Great American Eclipse—a total solar eclipse, a New Moon on steroids—occurring today. Unfortunately, it’s not close to where I live, so I won’t see
The Courageous Decade – Video Series
“…if we respect these troublesome states, realizing that they might be the consequence of a deeper order forming within us…from the watery chaos, which is ‘unspeakably tossed about,’ the elements, the basic building
On the Aquarius Age & its Leo Shadow – Part 2
This article is my second attempt at exploring the Aquarius/Leo axis as we transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age (click here for Part 1). Please remember that
In the Coaching Room
This series of articles explores the themes and patterns I notice with my coaching clients. The intention is that these topics bring a different perspective on something you’re navigating.
Perfectionism’s Red Shoes Not Enough Dance
“Even when the tears are flowin’ like diamonds on my face I’ll still keep the party goin’, not one hair out of place – Dua
People-pleasing is like faking orgasms
Since the Lunar Nodes arrived in Aries and Libra, I’ve noticed an uptick in relationship issues—a collective renegotiation in the balance of power. But now,
Mother’s influence on life and purpose
In my last article, I touched on how themes show up as clusters with my coaching clients. The irony isn’t lost on me that I’m
Tell me about your mother
Welcome to this new series, In the Coaching Room. This is where I share with you what I’ve been noticing with my coaching clients regarding
This series of articles explores the layers of meanings of the astrological houses from the perspective of purpose and livelihood.
On Reaching the Summit & Vocation
Several years ago, I went hiking with a few friends to Dog Mountain at the Columbia River Gorge. It’s one of the most popular and
On Mindset & the Unfamiliar
The 9th house is part of the trinity of Houses of Life along with the first and fifth houses. While with the first house, we
On Death, Initiation & Psychological Inheritance
Traditionally the 8th house is called the House of Death, the place of endings, loss, experiences of betrayal, intimacy, and inheritance. If this house was
On Shadow Dancing & Partnership
When we come to the 7th house, we cross an initiation threshold that puts us now face to face with the Other in the world
On Daily Life & Work
While Venus finds its ‘joy’ in the Fifth House, Mars has its ‘joy’ in the 6th house. I see this as a natural development from
On Creative Joy & Risk
There comes a time in one’s life when it’s necessary to leave the familial and discover one’s unique tastes and pleasures while developing self-expression, creative
On your Foundational Roots
The Fourth house in our birth chart is the point of deepest foundation from which all else in our lives rises above the ground. It’s
On your Voice’s power
When I started my business, I quickly learned the importance of crafting my voice around my work. Finding and crafting one’s voice is crucial when
On Money & You
When I was a kid, my parents didn’t give me an allowance, but my father allowed me to keep all the spare change he brought
On the Sovereignty of my body, my vessel
One of the key ideas gifted to us by C.G. Jung was INDIVIDUATION. In simple terms, INDIVIDUATE is about becoming who you were meant to