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Sun Sign Gift Guide

gift guide

Here’s a list of Sun Sign Gifts that will be sure to be a success no matter what time of the year. This will serve for holidays, birthdays and other special times.

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Let’s make gift-giving something that is truly meaningful – one Sun Sign at a time!



*CHILL – Cologne/Perfume It will help them chill down before making another rash decision. Just one dab is plenty.

  • Joking aside, give the Aries in your life ample room to try out what they feel called to do.
  • When speaking to them, avoid long discourses about how rash it all is, but instead use shorter words and stick to the point. The more you rattle on and on, the less they will pay attention to you.
  • Allow them time to do things on their own. Incentivize them that it will be best for them to exercise their independence. Encourage them to compete with another version of themselves so they can channel all that energy.
  • Invite them to start something new with you during the new year, but let them take the lead.


*A gift certificate from the best sofa store in town.

  • Gift them the best, most durable, amazingly comfortable sofa that money can buy. Give it to them with a monthly subscription of Belgian chocolates so they can lounge all they want.
  • Kidding aside, give your Taurean the gift of ownership of their schedule. Let them do things in their own rhythm even if the speed at which they do things makes you grind your teeth.
  • Give them space to putz around the house in their jammies all they want. Or work in their studio all night if they are on a roll.
  • Sign up for a subscription to those cook-your-own-food services that have the right wholesome ingredients, so that they can indulge in their love for food, but it will be for good healthy food.
  • Plus, you both get to spend time together cooking and eating. Quality and sensual physical time together is also a wonderful gift. Unplug, turn off the phone and be in your bodies – together.


*Any app that unplugs and shuts down their phone

(Disclaimer: Do this only if you want a hysterical Gemini in the house.)

  • Kidding aside, the best gift for a Gemini is: be a good listener who knows when to ask the right questions, not just “How are you going to do that?!” questions.
  • Let the Gemini in your life express their ideas, even the wild nonsensical ones. Show curiosity, not unnecessary worry if it’s going to work or not. Let them get those ideas out of their minds first. If, by the third time, they are still talking about the same thing, then ask the more in-depth questions. This means they are more serious about it.
  • Watch their mental diet. Give them a subscription to a good newspaper, magazine, or book club, but not one that is all fluff and gossip. And open the schedule for some nap time. They may resist, but a power nap does wonders for their frazzled nerves. Anything to help them sleep is also a good one. Their nerves and racing minds need to rest.


*A weighted and heated blanket Anything that will help them feel cozy, comfortable, and safe. Bring home the Danish concept of HYGGE. Fill the house with candles, serve homemade soup, invite-only the closest friends, and sit around the table, playing games and eating chocolate, and drinking tea.

  • Kidding aside, give the Cancerian in your life free time to ‘watch the birds,’ journal, be by themselves, and be entranced with their imagination. Don’t be fooled by their need to take care of you. Payback for all that attention by giving them room to take care of themselves.
  • Teach them that healthy boundaries are about respecting their privacy, as well as yours. Take them to a place that’s been special for you both and make a little trip down memory lane.
  • Give them a subscription to one of these photo printing services where they can put into a beautiful book all the photos that they love. Print some and hang them around the house. Show that you care by nurturing them.


*A Crown and a hand mirror

  • Give them a special day at the SPA or beauty salon to tend to their mane/hair.
  • Kidding aside, give your Leo opportunities to express themselves. Give them a membership to the local theater or choir. Take them to an amateur stand-up evening at the local comedy club and let them face the stage.
  • Find ways to bring some pizzazz to their routine so they can shine, even if in their understated away, cause not all Leos like to roar.
  • Give them a surprise party and invite their closest friends for a weekend getaway to do something fun.
  • Treat them like they are a child of the gods. Whatever you give them, make it personalized and customized.
  • Acknowledge their generosity and express your gratitude in public. Others need to know how awesome your Leo is because your Leo (secretly) also wants others to know.


*A subscription to vitamin supplements for gut health

  • Help the Virgo in your life tend to their health. Magazine subscriptions about better eating, health supplements, and a gift certificate for them to see the best naturopath in town.
  • Kidding aside, time in nature, or in making something with their hands will be the best gift for them to channel their analytical and, at times, anxious energy.
  • Help your Virgo not get into the labyrinth of overthinking something to death, so create opportunities for distractions that take them away from gnawing at something endlessly.
  • Show graciousness when they turn their critical minds to critique your work and lifestyle. Although it may hurt at first, let them know that some of it makes sense and that you will give it a try. They like to feel useful, and critiquing is one of their ways.
  • Be thankful for the good that they bring to your life and acknowledge the areas in which they do so. Help them have the spotlight when they deserve it. Be their advocate.


*DECISIVE – Cologne/Perfume

With just one dab, it will stop them from flip-flopping between choices.

  • Joking aside, give them beauty and opportunities to be surrounded by beautiful things in whatever way is attractive to them. Take them out to nature, a museum, get them a subscription to an art magazine.
  • Help them feel loved and acknowledged, not just when they are nice. This will help them see that they are enough, even when they aren’t ‘performing socially.’ Show that you love them even when they show their claws.
  • Be their realistic sounding board when it comes to taking stock of their friends. Help them not get carried away by fake friends, and help them strengthen the relationships that matter, not just the socially pretty ones. Help them develop their diplomatic skills.
  • Acknowledge their abilities to smooth out socially awkward moments. Remove uncouth situations from their lives. Whenever they are sick, give them a proper diet of beauty, not just healthy foods. Beauty is a salve for their soul.


*DETECTIVE KIT so they can play Nancy Drew and uncover all of the neighborhood crimes.

  • Kidding aside, your best gift is deepening your relationship with ‘naked vulnerability.’ It’s not necessarily sexual, although that may be part of the package, it’s about naked truth and the sharing of vulnerabilities.
  • See this as a sort of emotional blood promise. Show up, be present, and be radically honest. It may sting – a little or a lot – but show that you have endurance.
  • Spend time together uncovering life’s mysteries. Read mystery novels together, or dive into depth psychology and attend a dream interpretation workshop together.
  • Whatever you give, avoid all forms of fluff, fakery, and empty politeness. The vulnerability of it all may make you feel raw, but at the end of it all, you will be glad you survived the fire of Scorpio.


*A plane ticket to travel around the world, or if the budget is tight, a soapbox they can place at the busy corner of town and preach to their heart’s content.

  • Kidding aside, your Sagittarius needs room to move. So declutter the house and create a more open space plan.
  • Give them a subscription to a travel magazine or of National Geographic. Sign up for an improv class and let them have fun on stage. Or check out the continuing education classes at the local college and learn a new language.
  • Feed their need to learn, but also be sure to set up a monthly salon at your local pub so they can share ideas and do some of their preachings to others. It will give you a break from their constant talking.
  • Hold their toes to the fire and be accountable for all the ideas they have that are unfortunately coupled with their lack of follow-through. Be a tough coach if need be, but get them to stop talking, but instead get them ‘doing!’


*A trip to climb Everest, or for the mountain climbing adverse, a coffee date with their favorite celebrity CEO.

  • Kidding aside, show your appreciation to your exacting Capricorn by being supportive of their ambitions, but also reminding them that it should not be at the cost of their soul.
  • If you notice that they are exhausted or overtired from all the work and their inability to delegate, jump, and do what you can to clear some things off their to-do list.
  • Avoid asking if they need help, cause they will say that they can do it all. Secretly they believe that no one can do as well as they do. But don’t let that stop you. Take the initiative. But remember, they may not be gracious about it. They may actually be very critical. So show that you have more hardened skin and keep at it.
  • Down the line, they will thank you for helping them. Create a welcoming home for them and show your kindness through small acts of service to them.
  • They will appreciate practical displays of love rather than all the flower bouquets in the world. Avoid empty promises. Show that you can walk the talk.
  • Please do what you promise them you will do.


⁠*Take them to the Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum, or get them on the latest tech gadget that is about to hit the market.

  • Kidding aside, give them ample room to express all the facets of their personality: weird, traditional, or whatever is the flavor of the day. Be kind to their eccentric friends and give them alone time just to be.
  • Don’t suffocate them with your emotional diatribes. Keep your sentimentality and emotional outbursts to your other friends. No need to amputate your feelings, but if you want to get ‘down and raw’ with an Aquarius, be prepared to marry that with some good old rationality and left brain gymnastics.
  • Also, bring into your lives space for off-the-beaten-track experiences. Don’t make them follow what is fashionable. Instead, allow them to bring in the different and weird. This will be helpful to you because, at the end of it all, your worldview will be expanded.
  • Be a good friend to your Aquarius. For them, friendship, where the respect for each other’s individuality exists, is better than gold. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠


*A gadget to help them locate their lost keys and phone.

  • Kidding aside, be a grounded presence in your Piscean’s life. Also, be respectful of your boundaries, and don’t let them drag you into their complicated relationship dynamics. You will be modeling for them what proper boundaries are all about.
  • Allow them to share with you their dream and daydreams. Don’t be too quick to examine these under the harsh light of a critical microscope. Remember that much like butterfly wings, silk and clouds, your Piscean may tear and take much longer to heal.
  • Show kindness by helping them achieve their dreams. Help them create the containers they need to express their creative visions. Be supportive of their endeavors, but don’t be only the safety net.
  • By setting up some boundaries, you are actually helping them be stronger and more confident in their power to make things happen. Infuse your environment with beauty, music, and make it a sacred haven away from the harshnesses of the world.
  • You learn from your Piscean that their vulnerability is their greatest asset and the source of their true strength.

And that’s it! Follow these recommendations and make your loved ones really feel seen, acknowledged, and validated. It’s way better than anything packaged in a box.


Want to give a gift that’s meaningful to any and all of the Sun Signs? An Astrology Session! Get a Gift Certificate for an Astrology Session here.

Enjoy & Thrive!

Vanessa Couto

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Vanessa Couto, MA, PCC, is a Life Purpose Coach, astrologer, teacher, and artist.

In her work, she weaves mythology, fairy tales, Jungian psychology, and a good dose of practical and grounded common sense to guide her clients at their intersection of life purpose and livelihood. In addition to coaching, she teaches various classes and workshops.

Vanessa holds a B.A. in Social Communication and Advertising from PUC-MG, an M.A. in Teaching from New York University, and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology with an Emphasis on Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is also a Professional Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation.

Originally from Brazil, she lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, their two Gemini cats, and an ever-growing collection of books, printed art, and vinyl records. 

astrology vanessa couto

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