Check out my video series On Purpose & Livelihood for creatives and mystics

People-pleasing is like faking orgasms

Since the Lunar Nodes arrived in Aries and Libra, I’ve noticed an uptick in relationship issues—a collective renegotiation in the balance of power. But now, as we ride the dragon in this eclipse season, on the heels of a Full Moon Eclipse in Libra and this week’s Solar Eclipse in Aries, one theme is jumping […]

The gifts of Venus & Neptune

Venus & Neptune

“When Neptune transits Venus we are attracted to anything that takes us beyond the boundaries of our separate self, and this accounts for the enhanced religious, spiritual, or mystical longings some people feel at this time.”  – Howard Sasportas   One of the signatures of this week is the conversation between Venus, finishing up her […]

Mercury Retrograde & Unexpected Encounters

mercury retrograde

“The rule is that if you alter your attitude, you alter the whole situation. Howard Sasportas When it comes to Mercury Retrograde there’s an archetypal pattern that unfolds in very similar forms, if you just pay attention. ⁠⁠In sum, ⁠what we need to do is clear the calendar and allow room for the unexpected, but […]

Be You, 
Do What You Love.

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On Purpose & Livelihood
for Creatives & Mystics



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