Check out my video series On Purpose & Livelihood for creatives and mystics

Asking the right question at liminal times

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about LIMINAL SPACES and how we traverse from the known into the unknown. Some spaces evoke transition: the very threshold at your front door, boundary crossings, airports, and even for the more mystically inclined, standing stones in all their mysterious majesty. In some mythic stories, the liminal boundary between […]

On Reaching the Summit & Vocation


Several years ago, I went hiking with a few friends to Dog Mountain at the Columbia River Gorge. It’s one of the most popular and strenuous hikes in the Gorge. You must be prepared for steep grades and potentially dramatic weather changes as you approach the summit. Once you reach the summit, you’re gifted with […]

On Mindset & the Unfamiliar


The 9th house is part of the trinity of Houses of Life along with the first and fifth houses. While with the first house, we experience birth and new beginnings, and in the fifth, we engage with our creative expression; when it comes to the 9th house, we’re learning about the world beyond the familiar […]

On Death, Initiation & Psychological Inheritance

death inheritance

Traditionally the 8th house is called the House of Death, the place of endings, loss, experiences of betrayal, intimacy, and inheritance. If this house was a bumper sticker, you could call it the House of Sex, Death & Taxes. It is a dimension of experience colored by how other people’s resources and influence affect our […]

On Shadow Dancing & Partnership

shadow dancing

When we come to the 7th house, we cross an initiation threshold that puts us now face to face with the Other in the world and engage in shadow dancing. Thus far, we’ve moved from the developmental territories of identity (1st house), resources (2nd house), voice/learning (3rd house), home/family (4th house), self-expression (5th house), anchoring […]

On Daily Life & Work


While Venus finds its ‘joy’ in the Fifth House, Mars has its ‘joy’ in the 6th house. I see this as a natural development from inspiration, creativity, and the pleasures of the Fifth to the doing the work, creating its systems, and the daily sweat of how we earn daily bread. Mars needs to feel […]

On Creative Joy & Risk

creative joy

There comes a time in one’s life when it’s necessary to leave the familial and discover one’s unique tastes and pleasures while developing self-expression, creative joy, and risk independence. One must leave the (perceived) security of home and the familiar to learn who they are and what wants to be expressed through them. In the […]

On your Foundational Roots


The Fourth house in our birth chart is the point of deepest foundation from which all else in our lives rises above the ground. It’s the place of home, family, our parents, and our ancestral roots. It’s our heritage, family of origin, and a place where we experience both lack or connection to emotional security […]

On your Voice’s power


When I started my business, I quickly learned the importance of crafting my voice around my work. Finding and crafting one’s voice is crucial when creating your business. It covers the spectrum between what you say on social media, the language on your website, and all the other communication that your business and work engenders. […]

On Money & You


When I was a kid, my parents didn’t give me an allowance, but my father allowed me to keep all the spare change he brought home at the end of the day. I started saving my coins, and every so often, he’d take me to the bank to convert them into dollar bills. Talk about […]

Be You, 
Do What You Love.

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On Purpose & Livelihood
for Creatives & Mystics



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